Canine transitioning

New to our Pet Holistic and Pet Bites range of products? Here is a step by step guide to help you transition smoothly!


Day 1-3

Mix any of our Pet Holistic Freeze Dried RAW Diet formula into your dog’s current food at a ratio that your dog will tolerate. You can start this with as little as 1/4 Pet Holistic Freeze Dried RAW Diet Formula to as much as 3/4 of your pet’s current food.


Day 4-6

If your dog accepts the raw food during days 1-3, increase the amount of raw food to ½ Pet Holistic Freeze Dried RAW Diet Formula and ½ current food for each meal.

If your dog is experiencing any gastrointestinal distress during the transition, try adding 1 tablespoon of Pet Holistic Goat Milk Powder

The digestive support from our Goat Milk can help soothe your pet’s digestive tract and make transitioning a success.


Day 7-9

For days 7-9, continue to increase the amount of raw food to 3/4 Pet Holistic Freeze Dried RAW Diet Formula and 1/4 current food for each meal.

Day 10


Congratulations on adding Pet Holistic Freeze Dried RAW Formula to your dog’s diet. You should now notice smaller stools with less odor. Don’t forget to vary the proteins for your pet once you’re sure that they have successfully transitioned. It’s important to provide variety and rotation for optimal health.